Friday, October 4, 2019

WLAN Deployment

WiFi's popularity has led to crowded scenarios composed of many Access Points (AP) and clients, often operating on overlapping channels, producing interference that gravely degrades performance.For users who are already comfortable with their understanding of the basics, we have added a brief list of configuration recommendations/advanced tips for high-density UniFi deployments.
The configuration of the Ubiquiti components mostly works like a charm, only the Mesh-AP caused some configuration troubles, mostly because of a lack in the documentation. At the beginning, I configured all APs by connecting it with network cables to the switch and attaching to fix IP-Addresses. That´s the way I always configure infrastructure components like APs or Switches.Unfortunately, this was not referenced in the official UBNT documentation.

Then I configured the two NetBeams to connect the outdoor side of the facility. When doing this, it is important to be patient, because the first time it can take up to one hour until the connection is established.

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